
Great job on Finals, everyone! I was really impressed with the amount of preparation for this playing test and with your growth this year. If I had given you this music at the beginning of the year, most of you would have panicked and had no idea how to approach it. Instead, most of you panicked and play well anyway!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanksgiving break

Hey everyone, we've done a lot of great work so far this year. Our biggest events yet are coming up! I have heard from multiple people that they are looking forward to hearing our groups perform. Please practice over break, keep checking the blog for announcements and cool videos, and remember that Monday morning after break is Sinfonia, Monday afternoon are our regular rehearsals.

And at this time of the year -
I am thankful for working with such great students. I nominated Jose and Faith for Character Counts awards this month, but I had a really difficult time narrowing it down. Character Counts awards are a big deal to me -  I am very proud of my daughter for receiving one in preschool and one this year in kindergarten, the first one in her class each year to get one - so as a teacher I wanted to make sure I participated as well. But as I sat down to fill out the forms my first thought was "I could nominate every single one of my students".

I am thankful for Mr. and Mrs. Lovering's donation of 10 (!) new folding music stands on Friday.

I am thankful for not having to spend so much time in the car this week!

And for Faith...Big Bang Theory Flash Mob!

If you're keeping score, that's "Call Me Maybe" 2, Mozart 0 on this "orchestra" blog

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