
Great job on Finals, everyone! I was really impressed with the amount of preparation for this playing test and with your growth this year. If I had given you this music at the beginning of the year, most of you would have panicked and had no idea how to approach it. Instead, most of you panicked and play well anyway!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Just keep swimming

We are getting to crunch time! With STAR testing, AP tests, prom, etc., it's getting INSANELY busy. Do you know that THIS Wednesday's rehearsal is our LAST full rehearsal before Monday's Area Night? Only Lady Rinaldo has an AP test that day. Otherwise we are losing a lot of people each day.
Everyone is doing a great job focusing so we are having productive rehearsals. But absences have been high! Attendance is still a major part of your grade and I still expect you at every rehearsal (outside of AP tests). So make sure you plan accordingly.

This Saturday, a String Quartet from the LA Philharmonic will be playing a concert in Claremont. I highly encourage you to check it out! Bring a ticket stub or program to me for extra credit!

Saturday, May 11, 2013, 7:30 PM
A Los Angeles Philharmonic Quartet
Robert Gupta, Violin
Jin-Shan Dai, Violin
Ben Ullery, Viola
Jacob Braun, Cello
Benefit Concert for the CYMO Orchestra
Bridges Hall of Music
150 E. Fourth Street, Claremont, CA 91711
Tickets: Adults $15, Students $10

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