
Great job on Finals, everyone! I was really impressed with the amount of preparation for this playing test and with your growth this year. If I had given you this music at the beginning of the year, most of you would have panicked and had no idea how to approach it. Instead, most of you panicked and play well anyway!

Rubric for first playing test

EDHS Orchestra Playing Evaluation #1
Orchestra: any 2 of A/D/G/C scales in quarter notes, 112 bpm (30 possible points)
Sinfonia: A/D/G/C scales in eighth notes, 120 bpm (50 possible points)

Name: ______________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________

Tone Quality

Scale 1 note accuracy

Scale 1 rhythmic accuracy

Scale 2 note accuracy

Scale 2 rhythmic accuracy

Scale 3 note accuracy

Scale 3 rhythmic accuracy

Scale 4 note accuracy

Scale 4 rhythmic accuracy


5: Excellent
Student plays with a full, rich and confident tone
Student plays all notes correctly
Student plays in time with metronome
Student displays correct bow placement and string changes are smooth

4: Satisfactory
Student plays with a full tone
Student has 1-2 note errors
Student plays mostly in time with metronome and gets back on beat by themselves
Student displays correct bow placement and string changes are smooth

3: Fair
Student plays with a small tone
Student has 3-4 note errors
Student plays mostly in time with metronome
Student displays incorrect bow placement and some mistakes when changing strings

2: Needs Improvement
Student plays with a weak, timid tone
Student has 5-6 note errors
Student frequently gets out of sync with metronome
Student consistently bows over the fingerboard and has difficulty changing strings

1: Poor
Student plays with a scratchy, weak tone
Student has more than 6 note errors
Student plays out of time with metronome
Student bows in different places and hesitates or stops when changing strings

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